Bajiru • バジル • Basil
Basil is healthy for your dog. It’s anti-inflammatory and contains a high level of antioxidants that help prevent many types of illness including cancer, not to mention it does contain antimicrobial and antiviral properties. Basil also helps prevent cellular damage, calms your anxious dog, and alleviates arthritis pain and its powerful beta-caryophyllene can even reduce inflammatory bowel disease (IBS). Basil has long been consumed for its calming ability. Basil also contains Vitamins A, B complex, C, E as well as essential minerals.
How Basil Helps
Calm Your Dog
If dog is constantly anxious or nervous, you can add basil in his food. The calming effect of basil leaves is natural and therefore so much safer than many medicines prescribed by your veterinarian.
Easing Arthritis
Due to its anti-inflammatory properties basil can also help in protecting your dog from the effect of arthritis. In case of mild arthritis you need not give painkillers to your dog as inclusion of basil in his routine diet can help in controlling the pain.
Good Health
Health issues linked with aging of the dogs like senility, heart problem and arthritis can also be prevented by including moderate amount of basil in in their routine diet.
Lowering the Risk of Cancer
Basil can also help in preventing the occurrence of a number of serious pet diseases like various types of cancers due to the presence of high amount of antioxidants in it.
Preventing Cell Damage
If your dog is suffering from the problem of damaged cells then basil can help in protecting him along with preventing further damage of his cells. It can destroy free radicals causing cancer and cell damage due to its antioxidant property.
With Buta at Kuro Snacks, we use dried basil leaves, to reap the benefits listed above. It is so good and safe, even cats can have them.