Chicken Versus Eggs
Chicken is a common staple for many dogs. Not only is it safe, it’s also a very good source of protein which provides lots of energy. It is also a good source of Omega 6 fatty acids that are good for the skin and coat, and has essential amino acids and glucosamine for healthy bones. Big plus? It’s tasty!
Eggs are also one of the most complete sources of amino acids, the building blocks of protein. So feeding them to your dog is a great way to boost its protein intake. Aside from protein, eggs also provide many key nutrition components including Vitamin A & B12, Riboflavin, Folate, Iron, Selenium, Fatty Acids.
Kuro Snacks with Eggs:
Chicken tends to be one of the common allergies in dogs. Whether your dog loves to eat chicken is irrelevant. One may think it is natural that if a dog is allergic to chicken, they would be allergic to chicken eggs. Dogs can be allergic to chicken but not necessarily allergic to eggs. Allergies can develop over a period of time, but the proteins that are found in chicken which causes the allergies in dogs are not present in eggs. Allergies tend to be very specific to the proteins that cause them. So if your dog is allergic to chicken, they are likely able to eat eggs.
Proceed with Caution
Nonetheless, be aware of the various allergic symptoms that your dogs can have as a consequence of chicken or eggs.
Check out our other journal entries on chicken and eggs to learn more about them and the symptoms that could arise as a consequence of allergies: