Toxic Household Cleaners
We use many household cleaners at home. Many of which are not safe for dogs or have contents or contain ingredients that are bad for them. Even if they don’t kill, it puts them at risk for things like anemia, cancer, kidney and liver damage and many more or damage their skin, eyes and other membranes.
Many degreasers contain ammonia and they are used in cleaning glass, ovens, stainless steel and more. Ammonia burns mucous membranes and contributes to asthma. Coupled with bleach, the gas can be deadly. Also remember that a dog’s nose is highly sensitive and way stronger than ours.
Chlorine is a toxic respiratory irritant. Used in dishwashing detergent, disinfectants, toilet bow cleaners and also present in tap water. This can cause dizziness, laryngeal oedema or vomiting. This is also the reason why dogs should not swim in regular swimming pools for humans due to the high chemical content, and especially in chlorine - but instead should go to specific dog-friendly swimming pools.
This is commonly found in soaps and shampoos. Be careful, some pet shampoos may even contain it. It is a carcinogen that contributes to asthma.
Glycol Ethers or Ethylene Glycol
This is commonly found in carpet cleaners, glass cleaners and spot removers. This is normally linked to anemia, lung damage and kidney damage both in people and pets.
Mothballs can effectively kill moths. Bu their vapors can cause headaches, respiratory distress, eye irritation and more. But ingestion can cause toxic poisoning leading to liver damage, respiratory failure, seizures, heart arrhythmia and even death.
If you have not, perhaps it is time to run around the house to look out for some of these household cleaners and replace them with better alternatives. Here are some with known harmful contents that should be avoided:
Living with Toxic Products
All these products, even if you still use them:
Make certain they are put away in had to reach places for your dogs. Either higher up in the cabinets or cabinets that your dog cannot open.
While storing these products, make sure none of the vapors can leak out.
Do not use any of these products while they are in the same room.
Air out your house after cleaning with the products, do not leave any residue.
Do not let your pets drink out of the toilet bowl.
Also keep these products far away from their Kuro Snacks!